Classic Puzzle Cube
Contents of this Page
What is the Classic Puzzle Cube?
Solution in Three Steps
Classic Puzzle Cube on the Internet
To the Main Page  "Mathematische Basteleien"

What is the Classic Puzzle Cube?
...... The "classic puzzle cube" is a wooden cube made from eight small cubes and bands of darker wood between them. 

It is also called "the take apart cube" or "the classic 12 pieces puzzle". 
It dates from the 19th century.

...... If you take the cube apart, you get two halves at first. They are formed by two cubes, which are fixed at a bar. There are ten more bars, which are stuck into each other and form the bands. 

The problem is assembling a cube with all the 12 pieces. 

Solution in Three Steps top

1st step: Build an H-shape as the first layer.
...... Set the dark-blue bar (2) into the groove of a half cube (1). 
Add the light blue bars (3).

...... Set the other dark-blue bar (1) into the second half cube. Turn over the half cube (2) and put it upon the first half cube (3).
The four blue bars form an H inside the cube. 

2nd step: Bracing the two half cubes 

Look from the side into the cube. You recognize two connecting dark grey/dark blue pieces in the center (1). Move in the two green bars from the right and the left (2) and put it around the connecting pieces (3).

Make sure in the following step that the green bars do not separate, if the cube will be turned. 

3rd step: Put in the two T-pieces
...... Make two T-pieces of the four remaining bars. They will be put in from the top and from the bottom.
Turn over the cube 90 degrees, so that the right cube face is underneath (result in 1). Look down into the cube. You recognize two holes (2, white). Increase the upper hole for the  red/pink T-piece. Push away the dark blue bar together with the light blue ones above (3). - Then put the T-piece into the cube from above, the red bar at first (4). Return to the cube shape (5).

>Now the cube looks like the drawing (1). 
>Turn over the cube, front side front (2).
>Put in the second  red/yellow T-piece from above (3). 
The cube is finished (4)      ; -). 

Comments    top
The puzzle cube is popular in Germany, also because it is in the catalogue of the wide-spread VEDES toy shops.

There is also a puzzle in a ball form or barrel form, or with corners cut off.

I desribe  the IQ Puzzle Ball on my German web page Zerlegbare Kugeln.

Classic Puzzle Cube on the Internet     top

How to solve the CubeWooden puzzle cube

References   top
(1) Rüdiger Thiele, Konrad Haase: Der verzauberte Raum, Leipzig 1991
(2) Pieter van Delft /Jack Botermans: Denkspiele der Welt, München 1980 (1998 neu) [ISBN 3-685-1998], Seite 66
(3) R.Thiele, K.Haase: Teufelsspiele, Leipzig, 1991 [ISBN 3-332-00116-7], Seite 40f. 

Gail from Oregon, thank you for supporting me in my translation.

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