Numeric Palindromes
Contents of this Page
What is a Palindrome? 
Counting thePalindromes
Multiples of 9
Strange Equations
Products with the Digit 1
Cube Numbers
Prime Numbers
Products of  Successive Numbers
Pairs of Squares 
Palindromic Dates
Palindromes on the Internet
To the Main Page    "Mathematische Basteleien"

What is a Palindrome? 
A palindrome is a word, which reads backwards the same as it does forwards. Well known examples are Anna or radar.
You can apply this principle to numbers. For instance 1001 or 69896 are palindromes.

Counting the Palindromes 

All the digits are palindromes (1,2,3,...,9).

There are also 9 palindromes with two digits(11,22,33, ...,99).

You can find to every two-digit number one, and only one number with three digits and with four digits.
For example: For the number 34 there are 343 and 3443.
You can conclude that there are 90 palindromes withthree and also 90 palindromes with four digits.

You can find to every three-digit number one, and only one number with five digits and with six digits.
For example: To the number 562 there are 56265 and 562265.
You can conclude that there are 900 palindromes withfive and 900 palindromes with six digits.

You have 9+9+90+90+900+900 = 1998 palindromes up to one million. That's 0,1998 %. About every 500th number is a palindrome. 

Position of the Palindromes top
But they are not spread over all numbers regularly. This shows the following picture, which includes the first 1000 numbers.

The numbers are illustrated in a 100x100 square. The numbers are ordered in the same way as you write. One line shows 100 numbers.

And so it goes on.
Part of the 1000x1000-diagram:

Multiples of 9  top


Strange Equations top

(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)x12345678987654321 = 999999999²

  2 x (123456789+987654321) +2 = 2222222222

6x7x6 = 252


Products with the Digit 1 top

11x11 = 121
111x111 = 12321
1111x1111 = 1234321 
111 111 111 x 111 111 111=12345678987654321

11x111 = 1221
111x1111 = 123321
1 111x11111 = 12344321
111 111 111 x 1 111 111 111=123456789987654321

I suppose that all products with the digit 1 are palindromes, if one.factor has at the most 9 digits. 
All palindromes have the shape 123.....321.

Squares among the Palindromes top

Cube Numbers among the Palindromes top
343=7³                1331=11³       1030301=101³           1367631=111³ 

Prime Numbers among the Palindromes top
All palindromic primes with 3 digits:
There are no primes with 4 digits. They all have the factor 11. (Example:4554=4004+550=4x1001+550=4x91x11+11x50=11x(4x91+50)
There are 93 primes with 5 digits.
There are no primes with 6 digits. They all have the factor 11.
There are 668 primes with 7 digits.

Products of Successive Numbers  top
16x17 =  272
77x78 = 6006
538x539 = 289982
1621x1622 = 2629262
2457x2458 = 6039306
77x78x79 = 474474

Products  top
12x42 = 24x21
12x63 = 36x21
12x84 = 48x21
13x62 = 26x31
13x93 = 39x31
14x82 = 28x41
23x64 = 46x32
23x96 = 69x32
24x63 = 36x42
24x84 = 48x42
26x93 = 39x62
34x86 = 68x43
36x84 = 48x63
46x96 = 69x64

2x819 = 9x182
3x728 = 8x273
4x217 = 7x124
4x427 = 7x244
4x637 = 7x364
4x847 = 7x484
5x546 = 6x455
6x455 = 5x546
7x124 = 4x217
7x244 = 4x427
7x364 = 4x637
8x273 = 3x728
9x182 = 2x819
59x25 = 5x295 


2x7138 = 83x172
4x3149 = 94x134
2198x9 = 9891x2
3297x8 = 8792x3
4132x7 = 7231x4
4264x7 =  7462x4
4396x7 = 7693x4
5495x6 = 6594x5
6594x5 = 5495x6
7231x4 = 4132x7
7462x4 = 4264x7
7693x4 = 4396x7
8792x3 = 3297x8
9891x2 = 2198x9

1x6264 = 4x6x261
1x9168 = 8x6x191
2x3168 = 8x6x132
3x3464 = 4x6x433
4x7866 = 6x6x874
3x21525 = 525x123
3x42525 = 525x243
3x63525 = 525x363
3x84525 = 525x483
8x22287 = 782x228
 8x23575 = 575x328
 8x46575 = 575x648
8x69575 = 575x968
49x2994 = 499x294
59x2995 = 599x295
97x6769 = 967x679

144x441 = 252x252
156x651 = 273x372
168x862 = 294x492
276x672 = 384x483
1224x4221 = 2142x2412
1236x6321 = 2163x3612
1248x8421 = 2184x4812
1584x4851 = 2772x2772
1596x6951 = 2793x3972
13344x44331 = 23352x25332
13356x65331 = 23373x37332
13368x86331 = 23394x49332

Pairs of Squares top
12² = 144 and 21² = 441 
13² = 169 and 31² = 961
102²=10404 and 201²=40401
103²=10609 and 301²=90601
112²=12544 and 211²=44521
113²=12769 and 311²=96721
1012²=1024144 and 2101²=4414201
1112²=1236544 and 2111²=4456321
1212²=1468944 and 2121²=4498641
2012²=4048144 and 2102²=4418404

Palindromic Dates top
The only palindromic year was 1991 in the last century. 
The only palindromic year is 2002 in this century. If you type in 2002 to a calculator and turn over, 2002 will stay ;-). 

John Will's date of birth: 10 02 2001 (Oct 2, 2001). 

The carnival session 2002/2003 will start on "11.11.2002/11:11". 


Counter on my main page on 2.9.2009, sent by Bernhard Fucyman:

196-Problem   top
Pick a number. Add the number, which you must read from the right to the left (mirror number), to the original number. Maybe the sum is a palindrome. If the sum isn't a palindrome, add the mirror number of the sum to the sum. Maybe you have a palindrome now, otherwise repeat the process. Nearly all numbers have a palindrome in the end. 
Example: 49       49+94=143       143+341= 484 !
There are some numbers, which have no palindromes. The lowest one is 196. But the proof is still missing. 

References   top
(1) Walter Lietzmann, Sonderlinge im Reich der Zahlen, Bonn, 1947
(2) Walter Sperling, Auf du und du mit Zahlen, Rüschlikon-Zürich, 1955
(3) Erwein Flachsel, Hundertfünfzig Mathe-Rätsel, Stuttgart 1982, Seite 138 f. 
(4) Martin Gardner, Mathematischer Zirkus, Berlin 1988, Seite 259 ff.

Palindromes on the Internet     top


Chip Burkitt
Reversible Factors and Multiples

Eric W. Weisstein (MathWorld)
Palindromic Number

Jason Doucette
196 Palindrome Quest

John Walker
Three Years Of Computing (Final Report On The Palindrome Quest, May 25th, 1990) 

On General Palindromic Numbers

Patrick De Geest

Palindromic numberPalindromic primeEmirp, Lychrel number, Palindrome


Hans-Jürgen Caspar

Karl Hovekamp
Palindromzahlen in adischen Zahlensystemen

Silvan Maaß
Palindrom aller Art

Zahlenpalindrom, Primzahlpalindrom, Mirpzahl, Lychrel-Zahl, Palindrom

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