What is Taxicab Geometry?
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Taxicab geometry is a form of geometry, where the distance
between two points A and B is not the length of the line segment AB as
in the Euclidean geometry, but the sum of the absolute differences of their
Formula: AP+PB= |x2-x1| +
The points have only integer coordinates in the simple
version and their connections are grid lines. |
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These are the following facts behind the name.
You can consider the grid as a net of streets, which
a taxi driver negotiates.
The crossings are the places, where he can stop.
It is remarkable that the taxi driver - starting in A
- can take different ways, which have the same length, if he is continuously
approaching the destination B. |
If the taxi driver stays on one line of the grid, there is
no difference to the usual geometry.
There are also the names City-Block-,
Hermann Minkowski (1864 to 1909) had the idea to this
kind of geometry.
The example of this web page
is a chapter in Martin Gardner's book (1).
T-Line Segment
There is one line segment to one length in Euclidean
geometry, but several line segments to one length in taxicab geometry.
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This is again shown by the example on the left. Both
lines have the length 9.
You call this new kind of line taxicab-line or
t-line. |
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There is the question, how many t-line segments are between
two points.
You can count them in this simple case. There are 6 of
them. |
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Looking at the number of t-lines systematically, you
discover a law.
The number of t-line segments on a crossing is always
the sum of the segments at the foregoing crossings.
This leads to Pascal's triangle, whose rows are diagonal
here. |
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Point B is on the ninth diagonal and thus on the ninth
row of Pascal's triangle, related to A, and on the fourth place.
There is the number 28+56=84 or "9 choose 3".
There are 84 t-lines for the case "6 to the right, 3 to
the top" to go from A to B.
Generally the number is "n+m choose m" for the case "m
to the right, n to the top". |
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For the sake of completeness here is any line between
A and B, which is not a t-line segment.
It consists of the four t-line segments AC, CD, DE and
EB. |
You must also look at polygons in a new way.
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Here are two t-line segments of the length 8 between
the points A and B.
You get a 2-gon, which doesn't exist in the Euclidean
geometry. |
If you give a third point C, it is a question of definition,
whether the points A, B, and C form a triangle.
>Pro: They form a triangle in the Euclidean geometry.
>Against: A, B, and C lie on a t-line.
I follow Martin Gardner (1) on this page, who admits
triangles like this. This is also common knowledge.
In this sense there is also the t-quadrilateral
ADBC in this figure with the side length 4.
Consequently the figure is also a t-16-gon of the side
length 1, though strange enough.
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You can go a step forward and call the t-quadrilateral
ADBC a t-rhombus, because four sides are equal. It is not a t-square, because
the angle at point D is 180°.
There is a problem in this definition. Many features of
the rhombus get lost, for example the symmetry. |
A quadrilateral is a square, when
all sides are equal und all angles 90° in Euclidean geometry.
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In this sense the quadrilaterals on the left are t-squares.
If you connect the points by straight lines, you get a
Thus is it a t-rhombus and no t-square? |
... ... |
If you demand all features of the square, you must only
take the square of the Euclidean geometry as t-square. |
Another access to the square
gives the equation |x|+|y|=2 with D=|R. You can transfer it to taxicab
geometry easily.
You will experience on this
page that this t-square is also a t-circle. This is strange.
T-Line top
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You get a t-line from a t-line segment, if you elongate
the t-line segment over both ends.
You must mind that it goes always upwards (here) or downwards. |
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If you look for points of intersections between two t-lines,
you can have each number of points.
Here the two t-lines intersect in two points. If you change
the ascending (black) t-line in the way that it also goes horizontally
starting at S1, then there are points of intersection without
limits. |
It is not worth to work on t-lines, because there are so
The t-circle and the t-ellipse in the next chapters are
more interesting.
T-Circle top
One circle
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If you give one fixed point M and draw all points, which
have the same distance r from the centre M, you get a circle. |
This statement is transferred
to taxicab geometry.
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If you give one fixed point M and draw all points, which
have the same t-distance 3 from the centre, you get 12 points.
They form a square of the t-side length 6 standing on
one vertex.
More generally:
If you give one fixed point M and draw all points, which
have the same t-distance r from the centre M, you get 4r points.
They form a square of the t-side length 2r standing on
one vertex. |
This reminds one to squaring
the circle, where you must look for a square with the same area as
has a circle.
If the circle is centered
at the origin (0, 0), then the equation is x²+y²=r²
in the Cartesian coordinate system.
In taxicab geometry there is |x|+|y|=r.
... |
Maybe you shouldn't connect the points of the t-circle.
The impression of being a square is lost. |
... ... |
Two equal t-circles intersect in all, no one, in one,
or in two points like the usual circles. |
There are more cases with
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Two t-circles with the radii R and r can intersect in
more than two points, for instance in three points here.
In this corner position the number of the points is determined
by the smaller t-radius.
It is n=2r+1 for r<R. |
T-Ellipse top
Horizontal position
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If you give two fixed point F1 und F2
and draw all points, which have the same sum of the distances from
them, you get an ellipse.
The sum is s=s1+s2 in the drawing.
The two points F1 und F2 are called
(singular form is focus). |
The distance b of the foci
and the constant sum s determine the shape of the t-ellipse like the usual

A simple computer program finds out that figures of two
trapezia arise. One pair of parallel sides is as long as the line segment
. There is only one row in the case s=b=6
with the foci at the ends.
b=2, s=6 |
The computer only found t-ellipses, when either
> b and s are even like in the drawing on the left, or
>b and s are odd like in the computer drawings above. |
Explanation: For the left
angular point there is the equation s=2x+b or s-b=2x or "s-b is an
even number".
Thus both, s and b, must be even or odd at the same time.
You receive other figures, if the foci lie diagonally.

A simple computer program finds out that figures arise,
which have a rectangle 3x5 as a base. There is the complete rectangle 3x5
in the case s=b with the foci at the vertices.
How to get a t-ellipse with
b=6 and s=10

1 The point top right lies on a t-line segment through the
foci. There is (2+6)+2=10.
2 You find five more points with other t-line segments
in the same way.
3 There are six more points for symmetry reasons.
4 There are four more points at the top. The distance
to the right focus is 1 greater step by step, and 1 smaller to the left
focus. - The same thoughts explain the five points at the bottom.
5 You must transfer the same explanation to the points
lying vertically. Here you get two more points, on the left and on the
You can generalize these steps to all t-ellipses.
... ...
So it results in the fact that the numbers of the horizontal
and vertical points are determined by the points of the slope triangle.
These are the numbers 5 and 3.
Above, the foci lie horizontally. There the two numbers
are 1 and 5, alternatively 1 and 3. |
... ...are |
The computer program found out that a complete rectangle
3x5 is also a t-ellipse. It is b=s=6.
If the foci are diagonal in the centres of grid squares
as on the left, the result is the same rectangle 3x5, but with b=s=8. |
Outlook top
>There are also investigations about the t-hyperbola
und der t-parabola in Gardner's book. Both curves can also be identified
by distances.
>You can also take triangle patterns instead of square
>You can also give a three-dimensional or a higher-dimensional
grid to do taxicab geometry.
Geometry on the Internet top
Eisenbahnmetrik, Metrischer
Raum, Euklidischer
Barile, Margherita (MathWorld)
Jim Wilson
of Taxi Cab Geometry
Robert M. Dickau
diagrams, 3D
shortest-path diagrams, Paths
through a 4-D Lattice
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project
References top
(1) Martin Gardner: Geometrie mit Taxis, die Köpfe
der Hydra und andere mathematische Spielereien, Basel 1997
[ISBN 3-7643-5702-9]
Gardner: The Last Recreations: Hydras, Eggs, and Other Mathematical Mystifications
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2009 Jürgen Köller
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