What is a paper purse?
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A paper purse is a nice folding, which can even be done
by small children.
The purse is folded from a rectangular sheet of paper
in only a few steps and can be used instead of a real purse.
It has two pockets. |
Folding a Purse
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Take a sheet of paper of the size A4 (8 1/2" x 11").
Find the centre line by folding the left side on the right
side and by unfolding. |
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Cut off a strip of paper, so that you have a rectangle
about double as long as broad. |
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Fold the paper on the four red lines upward, so that
two corners meet on both sides. |
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It must look like this.
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Fold the corners on the left and on the right on the
red lines.
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It must look like this.
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Fold the left and the right sides, so that they meet
at the centre. That means: Fold at the red lines.
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It must look like this.
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Fold backwards the upper and the lower strips, so that
just the yellow triangles disappear.
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It must look like this.
Fold the paper backwards on the blue line.
... ...... |
The purse is nearly finished. You can already see the
two pockets (pink).
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Get out one triangle of a pocket. It is the lock of the
The purse is finished.
Some Mathematics
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If you unfold the purse, a pattern can be seen on the
You can recognize the shape of the purse (green). |
Obviously the shape of the paper determines the shape of
the purse.
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You can also start with a A4 paper. The purse gets a
bad shape as you can see on the left. |
You can also describe the first and last shape by formulas.
Here is an application of the formula y:x=4:(2k-1).
In Germany a real purse has the shape of DIN A
like the identity card, which you can put in. These are the measurements
sqr(2):1. If you give y:x=sqr(2), you get k=sqr(2)+1/2. This is about k=1,9.
In the beginning of this page k=2 is chosen. This is the best shape of
a sheet of paper to make the purse.
Paper Purse and Variations top
Folded Square Purse
In the 1980s there was a folded
purse for coins in fashion.
You can copy it using paper. It
is a nice, but in the final stage not easily folded work.
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This is the folded purse, closed and open. |
of the folded purse
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Draw a diagram of an open cube. Let the length of a square
side be 7 cm (2 3/4 inches) e.g.. |
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Before you form the cube, go over the coloured lines
with an empty ballpoint and fold there.
Distinguish between valley and mountain foldings.

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Then form the cube and fix it with glue strips.
Fold along the diagonals - one after the other - once
more and fold them down altogether to the basic square. |
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It must look like this. - The folded purse is finished. |
There are some variants of
this paper work.
Folded Purse Without
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If you do this, you can avoid cutting off the corner
Then you don't have to glue.
This is a sign of real origami. |
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The corner squares are coloured on both sides. |
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You can recognize the corner squares on the cube as two
layers of isosceles rightangled triangles, which hang out at the diagonals.
They hinder at opening and closing the purse, on the other
hand, they are a nice ornament. |
Carlo Wingerter offers a
description on the internet (URL below).
of a Tetra Pak Bag.
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You can cut off a Tetra Pak box (milk carton) at the
top, so that a cube - open on top - is formed.
You scratch along four suitable diagonals and push the
sides inside.
You also get a folded squared purse.
Hidden-Greetings Card
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This simple greeting card fits here.
It has a square for writing.
On the square sides are four semicircles.
After you have written a text, you can hide it by semicircles
folded inwards covering each other partly. |
Paper Purse
on the Internet top
Carlo Wingerter
Geldbeutel aus Papier
Marion Kloskowski
Portemonnaie basteln
Wawerko GmbH
Geldbeutel aus einer Safttüte
To Make an Easy Paper Purse (Video Youtube)
the spruce Crafts
to Make an Origami Purse
Comments top
As far as I am informed, this paper purse is a rarity.
I never found instructions somewhere.
I wrote this in 2003, when I made this web site. In meantime
I got some emails from Germany: The paper purse is not so rare as I guessed.
Feedback: Email address on my main page
page is also available in German
URL meiner
2003 Jürgen Köller
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